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perimenopause hub
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In this month’s series of webinars, we speak to various experts about body changes
I’m a perimenopausal woman who spent too long trying to get answers. I decided that if I was struggling, then so would women like you, and that I could bring together experts to help us all find our best route through this life stage.
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Find what your looking for in our Perimenopause blog
In this exhaustive manual for the perimenopausal woman, a panel of experts guide the reader through the many troublesome aspects of this life stage.
With topics ranging from HRT to sleep; food cravings to body acceptance; anxiety to acupuncture. This collection of 48 chapters from 40 authors answers pretty much all of the questions a perimenopausal woman might have. And more.
If you are experiencing these symptoms younger than expected, the Daisy Network can provide support and assistance: https://www.daisynetwork.org/
In the UK, find your local menopause clinic on this site: https://thebms.org.uk/find-a-menopause-specialist/
In North America, you can get really helpful local support from here: https://www.menopause.org/
For women in Canada, you can find local help here: https://www.menopauseandu.ca/
Australasian women can find local information here: https://www.menopause.org.au/